Thursday, May 29, 2014

Race Report: Tri for the Y by Angus Rose

Tri for the Y
So last weekend I did the Tri for the Y in Freeport.  Ok, first of all: I know, I know… Triathlons.  Running sucks, swimming is hard, aero bars are super dorky.  I always thought of triathlons as something people who weren’t any good at bike racing did.  But last year after seeing my then fiancĂ© (now wife) Tricia compete in a triathlon, do really well, and have a great time I figured I’d give it a shot.  And surprisingly enough I found a fun, challenging sport with lots of cool people! 

I had done one triathlon last summer, so I had a little bit of an idea of what to expect.  Still, when Tricia and I were walking over to the start area I couldn’t help but look around and think about how pro everyone looked.  It seemed like every other person was on a carbon time trial bike, it was pretty intimidating!  After ogling all of the other races Tricia and I set up our stuff in the transition area and checked in to get our start times.  The swim starts were in waves of 16, grouped by predicted time.  Tricia is a super fast swimmer and started in one of the first waves.  Swimming is by far my weakest event, so I had almost an hour after Tricia’s start to wait around and fight off the pre-race nerves.  After watching Tricia crush the swim I stretched, warmed up and got in line for a good lane position.  Soon enough it was time to jump in the water!

As soon as the whistle blew to start the swim I tried to focus on staying smooth.  I’m a pretty slow swimmer but I managed to stay consistent and get out with a time slightly faster than I was expecting despite standing up in the shallow end of the pool when I turned around, which according to Tricia is a serious faux pas. Relieved to be done, I jogged outside and threw on my bike stuff as fast as I could and ran my bike to the start line. 

As soon as I clipped into my pedals I felt an immediate boost- this was my leg of the race and I was going to take full advantage of it!  Because of a poorly timed sewer line break the bike course was changed at the last minute eliminating most of the hills and probably taking away some of the time I could have made up.  Still, I felt good and quickly settled into a rhythm and steadily overtook riders.  In what felt like only a few minutes I was running my bike back into the transition area and hurriedly putting on my running shoes. 

My second transition went a little slower as I tried to breathe and get my heart rate down while racking my bike, taking off my helmet, and tying my shoes, all while Tricia (who had already finished) yelled encouragement.  Once I got everything switch over for the run I grabbed a quick gulp of water and jogged back out onto the course. 

From having done a triathlon before I knew to expect my legs to feel heavy, but for the first half of the course I could hardly maintain a run.  I had no spring, my legs just couldn’t generate any power.  I was slowly passing people but was still running well below my target time.  Finally I started to shake off the heaviness in my legs and picked up my pace, going faster and faster as I neared the finish.  As I crossed the line a little girl who was volunteering offered up a high five, which of course I took!  I ended up finishing in a total time of 1:05:04 for 12th place out of 128 overall and 1st in my age group.  Not bad!  I even managed 4th overall on the bike leg, despite all of the intimidating time trial bikes I saw before the start.  Tricia also won her age group, buoyed by her blazing fast swim time.  If you want to hear her side of the race check it out at:

Overall, the Tri for the Y was a ton of fun!  I would encourage anyone thinking of trying out a triathlon to go for it!  The atmosphere was very easygoing and inviting, and the triathlon format doesn’t put a lot of pressure on you to keep up with a pack like bike racing does.  I still feel like a biker at heart and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to overcome my abysmal swimming ability, but triathlons are a fun way to mix things up.  I’m going to try to do one or two more this summer but in the mean time I’m going to get reacquainted with my mountain bike!